Customise Your Gamification Approach

We design motivation systems around your marketing to boost participation and awareness within your communities.

Do you want to empower your community with a stronger sense of belonging?

Are you planning to add greater interactivity to your campaigns?

Struggling to determine a baseline strategy to motivate followers?

Let’s dream up and achieve your gamification potential with Guppy!

Our Services include:

Small Custom Games

We design to fit your goals, whether it be advergames, serious games or games for learning.

Progression Systems

We look into creating user experiences that motivates and directs your audience towards action.

Social Play Integrations

We include features like leaderboards and competitive play to encourage shared interactions.

  • Create fun and engaging experiences for your community.

  • Accumulate data about your members when they play.

  • Achieve positive association and wide market reach.

  • Increase purchaser intent and brand awareness around your campaigns.

  • Motivate and reward participation from your followers.

Get started with Guppy

Add a personal touch to your engagement. Communicate with your community on a meaningful level.
  • Cultivate your community data

  • Segment and target individually

  • Automate and optimize promotions

  • Design real-time connections